Saturday, August 4, 2012

Bullies and buddy of the random time!

Hi Jammers! We have 2 bullies and a nice buddy in the house!
So I was at a trading party when Hotandpretty traded me a silver glove for my black mummy glove. She got mad when I declined so she said I BET YOU SCAM ALL THE STUFF YOU HAVE. So I told her it wasn't true. Then Anniec2002 decided she would join in, so she said: SHES RIGHT YOU SCAM ALL YOUR STUFF THAT YOU HAVE!! So that made me cry in real life. They kept saying stuff like that. Then Hotandpretty said: Let's kick this little scam out!  They then "beat" me up. When they left, I was so sad. I told everyone left I don't scam ( I really don't ) And one girl, The buddy of the random time, Believed me. Her user is spring88888! She told me that she believed that I don't scam. Thanks buddy :)


  1. People are always saying I scam, except they can't really bully me because then all my buddies start yelling at them. -.- And then they get mad and they leave so yeah. Good job spring88888!

    1. It's actually the first time I've been called that, So it hit me pretty hard. Usually none of my buddies are around at the time, So that's sad.


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